Special Parents Club – T-shirt Design and Printing Session 1 for Parents and Children with Disabilities

The Erasmus+ Special Parents Club for the project “Child Disability Parent Education” took place on the 20th February 2020. This was implemented in conjunction with londongraphics.com in Kilburn, London.

Social Entrepreneurship Erasmus HAWP

The session was designed to give children and their parents the opportunity to try new learning techniques using T-shirt printing as a tool.

The groups designed their own logos, discussed their ideas and learnt how to transfer the images onto the fabrics using the machines and computer software provided. The session was directed by professionals who showed the participants the methods applied for producing an everyday product.

One participant mentioned “We can’t believe there is so much technique for a simple t-shirt.”

One of the main aims of the session was to stimulate social inclusion and interaction between the parents in a shared enjoyable activity. 

Children with disabilities were able to use and familiarise themselves with unknown equipment, developing their competencies and knowledge about the surrounding world. Using their own designs enhanced art therapy and the use of IT in a non-formal education activity. These techniques could later be used for the creation of handcrafts.

Parents mentioned that the activity was beneficial for their kids. One participant said: “We never get the opportunity to do this kind of activity for free and especially with disabled people”. She also mentioned that these activities are not usually accessible for this public. 

Participants with disabilities were able to interact with the other participants without disabilities during the activity, creating mutual help and inclusion. Parents also got the chance to share their experiences with each other thanks to the Special Parent Club.

The session showed them that they have the ability to do whatever they want to do, promoting their entrepreneurship spirit.

Overall great feedback from the participants who thoroughly enjoyed the session.

A big thank you to londongraphics.com for hosting this activity and look forward to future sessions.

For further activities and events coming up this year, clink here

For more information, you can email us at [email protected]

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein