In February 2022, partners from Turkey, Portugal, Italy, UK, Slovenia, Romania and Poland met for the Erasmus+ Project We Are At Work Too TPM in Constanta, Romania! This transnational meeting was a great success in planning the next steps of the project!
During our meeting, we assessed activities and materials created, presented local training events and discussed project implementation.
We heard from each partner country about the local training activities they carried out for teachers, parents of children with disabilities. Our training event took place online on the 17th January 2022. In this session we shared resources for the target groups to use in their schools.
The meeting went on to discuss promotion and improvements of the project’s e-learning platform. This platform is for Special Education teachers to receive training on family education and supporting VET students. Once completed the users will receive a formal certificate.
We then determined the next phases of the project, including scheduling the TPM in Italy in May, and the local multiplier events. We concluded the meeting with discussing dissemination. All project results will be shared on our online platforms and social media.
The TPM ended with a visit to three local special education schools, and walking tour of Constanta. Thank you to our Romanian partners for hosting us!